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Efficient, Minimally Invasive, Pet Surgery in Miami

At Paws and Claws Medical Center, we know you’re a loving pet parent who expects accurate, compassionate, and effective services when you bring your animal companion into our office. We are ready to provide efficient pet minimally invasive surgery for a variety of exotic and conventional pets. Our skilled and passionate veterinary team leverages advanced technical resources and years of experience to provide your pets with discreet procedures without ever sacrificing the effectiveness of the results.

Our Miami pet minimally invasive surgeries will treat your pet’s health, functionality, and overall well-being while always keeping a smooth and productive recovery in mind. We provide a broad range of surgical options so you can make informed decisions about how we can improve and maintain your pet’s quality of life for years into the future. Contact our office today to help your animal loved ones receive the efficient and compassionate services we believe all pets deserve!

What Is Pet Minimally Invasive Surgery?

Minimally invasive procedures refer to a surgical approach that involves making very small incisions in the body where small tubes, pet endoscopy tiny cameras, and delicate surgical instruments can carefully enter. Compared to regular open surgery, minimally invasive procedures are designed to put much less trauma on the body, which often results in a speedier recovery and less overall discomfort for your pet.

Our Extensive Surgical Procedures

We can provide a broad range of procedures guided by this careful and compassionate approach to surgery. Our services can cover your pet’s needs from a comprehensive perspective by assisting the health, functionality, and overall well-being of a variety of pets, both exotic and conventional. Here are some surgeries we provide utilizing our minimally invasive approach:

  • Soft Tissue Surgeries
  • Orthopedic Surgeries
  • Advanced Dentistry
  • Respiratory Therapy
  • Fluid Therapy
  • Pet Endoscopy & Endo-Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Surgeries

The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Pet Surgery

We aim to help your pets get back on the road to recovery as quickly as possible. Our team is passionate about the pursuit of careful and precise surgical care that is associated with numerous benefits traditional services often lack. Minimally invasive surgeries can offer your pet several advantages, which include, but are not limited to:

  • Increased accuracy
  • Less pain
  • Minimizing bleeding
  • Faster healing
  • Less scarring
  • Reduced chances of post-operation infection
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Increasing muscle relaxation
  • Shorter hospital stays

Minimally Invasive Pet Surgery FAQ

We understand that you have questions about our process, and we are happy to answer. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is ready to explain the details about our procedural steps, materials we use, and aftercare tips to optimize the recovery period. Some frequently asked questions regarding pet minimally invasive surgeries include:

How do I prepare my pet for surgery?

BIRDS: When your pet requires a procedure involving sedation or anesthesia, please keep the following in mind:

  1. Always Arrive early on the day of the procedure, this will allow us to bring patients to the procedure areas in advance to acclimate and reduce stress.
  2. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork before inducing anesthesia is mandatory.
  3. Remove food from the enclosure the night before. Most birds should fast to prevent regurgitation or vomiting during anesthesia. However, for smaller birds and younger birds with high metabolic rates, fasting is not recommended to avoid the risk of hypoglycemia. For these patients, offer 1/2 of their meal early on the morning of the surgery.


When your pet undergoes a procedure requiring sedation or anesthesia, please remember the following:

  1. Always Arrive early on the day of the procedure, this will allow us to bring patients to the procedure areas in advance to acclimate and reduce stress.
  2. Fasting is not necessary, as vomiting during induction is rare. Additionally, to prevent hyperglycemia due to their high basal metabolic rate, it is important not to withhold food.
  3. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork before inducing anesthesia is necessary.
  4. Leave water available; we will remove it when administering medication.
  5. Small mammals are easily distressed, so minimize handling to reduce stress and excitement.
  6. Pre-existing respiratory conditions are not uncommon. Bring your pet early so they can receive oxygen before anesthesia, which is highly advisable.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of your pet during their procedure.


  1. Always Arrive early on the day of the procedure; this will allow us to bring patients to the procedure areas in advance to acclimate and reduce stress.
  2. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork before inducing anesthesia is necessary.
  3. This species typically has lower blood glucose levels compared to mammals.
  4. Correct any abnormalities (dehydration, anemia, acid-base imbalances, or hypoglycemia) before the procedure.
  5. Minimal risk of regurgitation and aspiration, but fasting is advised due to potential impaired digestion post-procedure, normally, we advise fasting of 1 or 2 feeding cycles if possible.


  1. Always Arrive early on the procedure day; this will allow us to bring patients to the procedure areas in advance to acclimate and reduce stress.
  2. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork before inducing anesthesia is necessary.
  3. Ensure your pet fasts overnight to prevent regurgitation or vomiting during anesthesia.
  4. Smaller species and younger patients, due to their higher metabolic rates, should avoid fasting to minimize the risk of hypoglycemia. For these patients, offer ¼ of their meals early on the morning of the surgery.
  5. For ferrets: Conditions such as adrenal tumors, cardiomyopathy, anemia, and endocrinopathies (including insulinoma) are common and must be ruled out before surgery. If your pet is not a ferret, you may disregard the last advice.


  1. Always Arrive early on the procedure day; this will allow us to bring patients to the procedure areas in advance to acclimate and reduce stress.
  2. Patients need to be brought into the procedure areas in advance to acclimatize and reduce stress.
  3. Pre-anesthetic bloodwork before inducing anesthesia is necessary.
  4. Please do not leave food available to your pet overnight (fasting is generally recommended for most dogs and cats as they can regurgitate/vomit during anesthesia).
  5. For smaller, younger patients or patients with preexisting medical conditions, with higher basal metabolic rates:
  • Fasting is better avoided to minimize the likelihood of hypoglycemia.
  • Offer ¼ of their meal early in the morning of the surgery.

How can I reduce my pet's stress during recovery?

Most pets adapt quickly to their new situation after surgery. We recommend that you let them rest in a quiet and dimly lit room away from distractions and other pets for most of the recovery period. If your pet is anxious or uncomfortable for a lengthy stretch following the procedure, don’t hesitate to contact our veterinarians. We can provide tips or discuss medications to help them relax during the recovery process.

Is anesthesia safe for pets?

Anesthesia is a safe sedation option used commonly in the modern veterinary world. Rest assured, our compassionate and attentive staff will carefully monitor your pet when under anesthesia, and we can run a pre-anesthetic exam to determine how the internal organs will function under this service.

Effective Minimally Invasive Pet Surgeries in Miami You Can Trust

At Paws and Claws Medical Center, we are a passionate and skilled team ready to utilize pet minimally invasive surgery for maximum efficiency. We are proud to offer a broad range of procedures suitable for a broad variety of pets that we believe don’t often get the professional attention they deserve, such as reptiles, birds, pocket-sized pets, and many more.

We are caring pet parents, just like you, and we are committed to performing quality Miami pet minimally invasive surgeries that will help your pet get back on the road to recovery as quickly as possible. Our practice is committed to helping your pets live free from the constraints of pain and discomfort. We are backed by modern veterinary tools and developed techniques to give your pets a future full of health, happiness, and fluid functionality. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our efficient pet minimally invasive surgeries!